Last month, Catalyst Game Labs told us that the first-ever BattleTech Kickstarter was coming. Now it’s launched and has hastily raised more than $1m.
You can follow the progress and pledge at Kickstarter.
It only takes a $20 pledge to get the BattleTech Beginner box. A quick Google says they’re out of stock at most places, including Catalyst Game Labs. The boxes contain 2-5 minis, 12-paged rulebook, 8 wet-erase record sheets, some fiction, 4 pilot cards, one map, some terrain and two dice.
You can increase your pledge, increasing the number of minis you get, until you hit $95. At that level, you’ll get the Clan Invasion Box Set instead.
I like this structure. This means you don’t need any BattleTech to take part in this Kickstarter. You’ll get the basic rules (albeit sometimes in PDF) when you get any box set.

In particular, this Kickstarter lets Catalyst Game Labs update and re-design the Clan OmniMech figures. It’s going well. The company, which is also busy getting Shadowrun 6e ready in time for Gen Con, published substantial long lists of stretch goals. These didn’t go far beyond $1,000,000 in aspiration.
What’s still to unlock then? There are live streams of games to unlock, including MechWarrior 5, but also Map Pack: Tukayyid and then at $1,500,000 the “Double Forces” perk stops simply being two versions of your selections but additional selections.