WizKids has announced that Dungeons & Dragons: Three-Dragon Ante Legendary Edtion will soon hit gaming stores in North America.
The original game was published in 2005 by Wizards of the Coast and was designed by Rob Heinsoo. It’s a card game with elements of skill and chance that blends mechanics of poker, hearts and rummy. The concept is that the game is something from within a D&D campaign setting, something that might be played in taverns and inns.
In the latest, Legendary Edition, the game starts with 10 gold per person and 6 cards. First players determine who goes first by placing cards face down on a table and revealing them at once. The player with the strongest card usually goes first.
Play then passes clockwise around the table, with cards played face up and with the possibility of special powers unique to those cards activating. In the original game, those cards would be dragons of colours and their powers unique to their dragon species.
The game ends when one player runs out of gold. The winner is whoever has the most gold at that point.
It’s an in-character game that you can play out of character.
August 2019: This article was tweaked to better reflect actual gameplay; that it’s 10 gold per player and that the ante is the same for every player in any round.
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