For the last two months, on Saturday morning (ish), I’ve been recording a short podcast to talk about some of the more prominent, more enjoyable and quirky stories of the week.
The podcast is called Audio EXP. It’s either an audio experience or represents the experience points you get via the audio catchup.
So far, the podcast has been short at around 10 minutes. Imagine it as an extended news headlines feature with a bit of personal reflection and commentary for an added extra.
Where to find the Geek Native podcast
- On Geek Native!
- On Soundcloud.
- On iTunes / Apple Podcasts.
- On Spotify.
- On TuneIn.
- On Stitcher.
The podcast is weekly and will continue to be embedded (Soundcloud player) on the site. It’s easy to ignore or to dip into if you want.
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