Nip back in time to when D&D was waking up again, and 3rd edition was being published. There were two books; the Player’s Handbook and the Dungeon Master’s Guide from Wizards of the Coast. The first collection of critters came as The Creature Collection. The Monster Manual followed after.
Now, Handiwork Games, working with Onyx Path Publishing who own the Scarred Lands 5e setting for which the latest Creature Collection is being published for, are on Kickstarter. You can follow progress on the Campaign Page.
Handiwork Games do excellent illustrations, and they’re currently fulfilling (without a glitch) this hugely successful battle mat tile collection. Oynx Path specialises in picking projects like the once-abandoned Scarred Lands and making them popular again.
A pledge of $US15 will get you the PDF collection of the Creature Collection. $US45 is enough for the hardback. The $100 tier is limited and selling quickly. That’s enough for a limited edition version of the hardcover, the PDF, a digital pack and weekly previews.

The Creature Collection tries some smart styles with the formating. In particular, it works to colour the edge of the book so you can dive straight into the type, or challenge rating, of the monster you suddenly find yourself needing.

The Kickstarter video pitch shows that Handiwork Games are doing more than just art. There are full-on monster stats and map designs for lairs and encounters.