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The question isn’t always ‘how do you manage inventory?’ in D&D and other fantasy games because sometimes inventory management is too county and too dull for gaming groups to bother with most of the time.
There are plenty of D&D campaigns in which inventory management only kicks in when it’s an obvious issue, such as characters trying to steal a towering relic or a dragon’s unguarded treasure.
On the other hand, some groups enjoy the tactics of making each and every arrow count because there is only a limited supply.
Wouldn’t it be great if that element of D&D and other fantasy games became easier and more straight-forward so more groups could enjoy it?
The Australian Leather Shop Kyogle, who sell online via Etsy may have the perfect solution for it. Check out this arrow counter.

You can see how it works. Each arrow in the quiver is an arrow the PC has in their quiver or has easy access too. If a character shoots an arrow, they can toss the physical representation of that in-game arrow down on the tabletop or give it to the DM. If they get it back in-game, they get it back in real life.
The joy of a full quiver of arrows become a real and tangible thing. The frustration and fear of running out of arrows, equally, become a visible concern to everyone sitting nearby.
The Leather Shop Kyogle has several different ammunition counter designs for roleplaying games. The one shown, at the time this blog post goes live, is selling out. There’s only one left.
What do you think? Would you use this counter in your D&D game to make inventory and arrow management more ‘real’?