As Geek Native reported last month, Bad Roll Games’ miniature skirmish setting PunkApocalyptic is heading to Kickstarter with designer Robert J Schwalb at the helm to create the tabletop RPG.
The project is asking for $35,000 and at the time of writing has 18 days still left to fund and nearly $30,000 raised. It’s looking good. You can follow progress on the Kickstarter campaign page.
In the RPG, players take on the role of mercenaries fighting to survive in the bleak and radioactive wilderness left after the apocalypse. Characters will battle mutants, deal with strange cults and barter with junkers.
A pledge of $15 will unlock the PDF, $20 gets you the PDF, and an ‘at-cost’ coupon for DriveThruRPG’s print on demand and $40 (plus shipping) will get you both the PDF and a traditionally printed copy of the book.
PunkApocalyptic: The RPG will use a version of the Demon Lord Engine. That’s a system devised for Schwalb Entertainment’s Shadow of the Demon Lord. It’s designed for relatively short campaigns and offers up streamlined rules.
There’s a ‘pay as you want’ quickstart of PunkApocalyptic on DriveThruRPG that offers up 53 pages to sample. This means if you are seriously considering backing the Kickstarter, you can download the quickstart for free and check the rules out before making your pledge.