Two of the most popular free mapping for tabletop gamers are Watabou’s Fantasy City Map Generator and Azgaar’s Fantasy Map Generator. The first does cities, towns and ports while the latter does whole continents and planets.
Last year, the two platforms integrated. If you’re using Azgaar and it creates a settlement for you, you can click on it, and then click on the small map icon that appears to move to Watabou’s solution and enjoy a close up of the settlement. You can go the other way, too, if you start at the Fantasy City Generator, you can click the “overworld” button, and Azgaar’s Fantasy Map Generator will draw a whole world around it.
Fantasy City Generator updates

The latest update to Watabou’s Fantasy City Generator improves the integration.
That’s not the only change, there’s been enhanced building updates, improvements to warp mode which lets you make small adjustments to the settlements, a more attractive (but not movable) legend, changes to how water is drawn, and there can now be more than one park in a city.
Buildings can now have raised roofs, drawn in a simple but effective “fake 3d” style. This tweak will certainly please cartographers who didn’t like or where getting fed up of the flat roofs.
There’s also a “thin lines” option that affects the map and overlays like the scale bar, compass rose and legend. There’s no longer a connection between the thickness of the line and the scale of the map.