The Institute of Magical Historicity is a somewhat in-character Indiegogo pitch. It’s going well, with over £4,000 raised against a £5,406 fixed goal, but there are only 9 days left to back.
The money is spend raised for a website to host podcasts, original stories and even music. You can see more on their campaign page.
I don’t often see fiction website projects on crowdfunding, and so I thought The Institute of Magical Historicity was worth a look.
I’m sure some people will back the project just to support indie writing. However, a pledge of £4 gets your name on the site, £7 gets bonus episodes, £12 extra written stories, and so on.
Now, most of the content will be free, but there will be those few exclusives reserved for the backing founders.
There are a few preview episodes from the podcast on Soundcloud, and they sound promising.
You can check out the website as it stands now over at
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