Dungeon Finder is a Kickstarter project from Dark Galaxies Gaming. It’s not for a gamebook or minis, it’s gone deep into the most difficult of all RPG areas; software.
The concept of Dungeon Finder is “Uber app for professional DMs”. It’ll help you find a group, online or offline, by connecting you with a DM. It’ll help you get paid if you’re a professional DM looking for more gaming clients. You can follow progress on the campaign page.

There’s no video pitch. That doesn’t make Dark Galaxies Gaming’s task any easier. It’s very hard to persuade tabletop gamers to persuade with their Kickstarter funds for software, especially mobile apps these days, as so many of us have been burnt.
The challenge is reflected in Dungeon Finder’s funding status. The campaign requires US$20,000 to fund but has less than $1,000. At the time of writing, there are only 9 days left on the clock.
A pledge of $15 gets you early access to the Dungeon Finder app whereas $20 gets you that and a custom d20. Step up for $40 and you get a digital profile badge and DM Tier 2 in the app for more rewards.
So, how does Dungeon Finder work?
It’s a matching making system that facilitates payments to independent contractors. As Uber says they employ no drivers, Dungeon Finder says they employ no professional DMs.
DMs create a list of games they run, the virtual tabletops they use and a cost associated with that. To help persuade players to pick them, DM cans include a profile and a list of features they include in their games – like Syrinscape Audio, cosplay and voice actors.
I’m yet to meet a DM who employs voice actors or dons cosplay to bring NPCs to life. I wouldn’t object, though!
Dungeon Finder initially keeps 20% of the payments made to new GMS. This decreases as DMs improve their standing on the app.
Earlier this year, a project called Crawlr, described as Tindr for D&D went viral and knocked itself offline. It’s up today, though.
Dungeon Finder may have a funding struggle but the rise of virtual tabletops and the boom in interest in D&D has created the perfect conditions for Uber/Tinder like apps for tabletop roleplaying.