This blogger has a disability. It’s a challenge to walk. I refer to myself as a cripple although I know it’s a pejorative word for some; however, it’s mine, and I get to use it.
That said; I don’t fully understand “Survival of the Able”. In the game, you also have a disability, it’s medieval western Europe, and able people are dying of the plague to return as zombies. You can read more about that right here on the Kickstarter page.

There’s a free to download beta version on DriveThruRPG.
A pledge of $15 gets you the PDF of the book, and the stretch goals and $20 gets you the PDF and a print-on-demand coupon.
Author Jacob Wood says;
If Survival of the Able sounds a bit unconventional, then we’re doing our job. This game is designed to test your fortitude by plunging you into a setting where you will be ridiculed, demeaned, and patronized just for being yourself.
I’m not sure how patronising zombies are. But I get the challenge, usually in a zombie game the key to success is mobility – don’t get trapped. If like me, moving is a challenge, the zombies are a far more challenging tactical survival difficulty.
I can imagine it would be even worse in Medieval times.
There’s no doubt that Survival of the Able will be a strong beacon for some. People will finally get games where they’re respected as characters. It’ll be delightfully refreshing.
At the time of writing, Survival of the Able has nearly $1,500 of an $8,000 goal and with 19 days still to collect funds. They deserve to be closer to target.