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Wizards of the Coast are about to release new content for D&D 5e with Eberron: Rising from the Last War. Players and DMs may be interested in what’s already known about this steampunk-meets-magic mashup of a setting.

First published in 2004, Eberron was the winning entry in a competition to find a new campaign setting for D&D. This means Keith Baker’s world has been in print since the days of D&D 3.5.
The DM’s Guild has just published this Eberron Setting bundle for D&D 3.5 and 3.0. There are about $70s worth downloads currently available for $20.
There’s nothing to say that Wizards of the Coast will not change the world between Eberron 3.5 and Eberron 5 (or even the Wayfinder’s Guide to Eberron published last year) but here’s what the bundle contains;
- Eberron: Five Nations (3.5) – Overviews of each of the kingdoms of Khorvaire.
- Player’s Guide to Eberron (3.5) – New feats, prestige classes, spells and faction info.
- Eberron: Sharn, City of Towers (3.5) – Location book for Sharn with 100 city districts, guilds and organisations.
- Eberron: The Forge of War (3.5) – The original Last War supplement for Eberron; rules for battlefield, scars, teams and the magic of war.
- Eberron Campaign Setting (3.0) – The original Eberron campaign book with changelings, kalashtar, shifters and warforged.