In February, several women, including ex-partner Mandy Morbid, stepped forward with tales of abuse at the hands of artist and RPG designer Zak S. The gaming industry reacted in horror, DriveThruRPG banned any future books from him and Wizards of the Coast stripped his credit from Dungeons & Dragons 5e.
A few months later, Zak S went to a Canadian Court to sue Mandy for defamation.
Defamation occurs when one party has damaged the reputation of another.
Mandy Morbid has been fighting the case but today took to Go Fund Me to ask for help.
This is Mandy Morbid, as many of you know my ex Zak Smith is suing me for defamation after I, and a number of other women, told our stories of mistreatment and abuse.
The lawsuit has progressed to a point where I need to ask for a bit of help with some upcoming costs.
Thanks for reading, sharing, and if you are able donating.
At the time of writing, Mandy is asking for $1,000 but has raised over $4,500. Court cases are expensive and I suspect the initial request of $1,000 was a lowball.
You can see recent updates to her request and the current total over at her Go Fund Me page.
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