Redditors Inuyasharuls and Axelle123 have created dyslexia-friendly D&D character sheets.

It’s a good idea. In the UK alone, 20,000 cases of dyslexia are diagnosed each year. Symptoms include visual disturbances such as words seeming to move while you’re trying to read them.
There are techniques to help. For example, the OpenDyslexix typeface has been specially designed to be easier for suffers to read.
These D&D character sheets use Comic Sans instead. It’s a much-maligned font but was created to be readable. DM Inuyasharuls runs D&D for several dyslexic players and found Comic Sans worked best for these sheets.
You can download the Dyslexic appropriate Dungeons & Dragons from this Google Drive. They’re a PDF that weighs in at just under 5MB.
Update, Dec 19. This post has sparked a few conversations and questions on Twitter. Thankfully, one of the co-designers has kindly offered to answer questions. Please don’t bombard Axelle.
Do you have any other tips or resources for Dyslexic players? Please share them in the comments below.