For the next seven days, the RuneQuest Glorantha Bestiary is a pay-what-you-want product.
You’d usually pay $19.99. Now, if you think it is fair, you can pay $0.
So, why would publisher Chaosium be taking such a risk? They’re doing it to highlight the terrible fires in Australia and the heroic work of the fire-fighters there.

Chaosium asks that if you take advantage of the new price rules for RuneQuest Glorantha Bestiary that you make a donation to fire-fighting and recovery instead.
The link takes to a CBS News page that compiles lots of resources, enough for anyone to find a good personal match with, from the Australian Red Cross, to Foodbank and even a GoFundMe dedicated to supporting displaced First Nations communities.
We at Chaosium think Gloranthan beasts are special; however Australian animals are unique and precious – and real. But it is estimated up to half a billion of them have perished so far in the devasting wildfires still raging across the continent. That number is expected to rise dramatically, as vast swathes of habitat have been consumed by flame.