Paizo Publishing has released a free Pathfinder Adventure Path called Extinction Curse Player’s Guide.
The guide will help you create characters suitable for adventures around the Starstone Isle and contains recommendations on alignments, ancestries, classes and skills.
It’s a spoiler-free assistant to starting the Extinction Curse Adventure Path in which player characters are part of the Circus of Wayward Wonders when tragedy strikes.
New backgrounds include mystic seer, aerialist and clown. In fact, if you’re not fond of spooky-looking clowns, then this might be a freebie you want to pass on.
There’s also an introduction to creating circus tricks and creating a legacy as a performer as well as a gazetteer of the Isles of Kortos and Erran.
The Player’s Guide was written by Ron Lundeen and is for Pathfinder second edition. You can download it from Paizo’s store.
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