Before smartphones, all sorts of people used to play pub games; dominos, hoops, darts and coin tossing games. It’s the latter, the coin toss, that Dungeon Party merges with a fantasy RPG to create something… entirely different.
The campaign is doing very well. At the time of writing, there are 19 days left to back it and more than $70,000 has been pledged against the $5,000 goal. You can join in the party and pledge on the campaign page.
Dungeon Party is a project by Forbidden Games, and I hadn’t heard of them before. However, I’m certainly well aware of the companies the founders have come from. Jason Kapalka is the co-founder of PopCap a site where I’ve played Bejeweled, Peggle and Insaniquarium. Glenn Drover founded Eagle Games and designed Railroad Tycoon and Age of Mythology.
The game isn’t terribly expensive, either. US$19 is enough to get you 6 character coasters, 15 room coasters, 15 monster coasters, 15 treasure coasters and 5 dungeon coasters.
Do you throw huge parties? You can pledge up to $59 (retailers can go higher) and get 15 characters, 45 rooms, 40 monsters, 40 treasures, 15 dungeons, 12 custom coins and 10 exclusive coasters in a single order. I’d be drunk before the game was finished.
Coasters, by the way, are what you throw coins at and/or put your beer on. Landing coins helps defeat monsters, which in turn gets you loot and a step towards victory.