Tabletop gamers often have the most interesting sense of humour! Designer @Snickelsox shared stats for animated armour… full of bees and its gone viral.
At the time of writing, the bee filled armour has nearly four thousand likes on Twitter and is fast approaching two thousand shares.
Websites that specialise in picking up content that’s going viral, like Boing Boing are lapping up these bees.
Snickelsox makes it very clear; this is a joke.
It’s a popular joke, though. Perhaps that’s because a magically animated set of armour is probably a fantastic location for a swarm of bees to settle down and make a home. That would make the activation of the armour a far more scary thing should any of your players accidentally trigger it!
The armour has a weakness, though. It’s susceptibility to antimagic. If it’s hit by a dispel magic spell and fails a Constitution saving throw then it’ll fall unconscious for a minute.
As for strengths; watch out for the bee missile. This ranged weapon attack has a +2 to hit, a range of 15/30 feet on one target and with a Hit of 10 (3d6) poison damage.
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