Michael Sincevich runs an Etsy store and Facebook Page called Uncharted Territory. Yesterday, Sincevich issued a cry for help after a loud group of locals turned against a school club’s attempts to run D&D.
Michael lives in rural Wyoming and got involved when a teacher asked him if he would introduce the kids to D&D. He agreed.
That same teacher then put a request on social media for free D&D goodies. He notes;
The kiddos are loving learning about the game but we need dungeons and dragons dice, players handbooks, and any other supplies you might be willing to part with. If you might have some you would be willing to donate or part with at a reasonable price please let me know!!
That simple post triggered some unpleasant feedback. One local wrote
… dungeons & dragons is not a teaching or learning skill teach him something different like AG mechanics math science not the stupid s*** now I’m sure a lot of other people agree with me on this you say something about this you’re dumb
It’s not clear if the comma button on their keyboard was broken.
Another angry local responded;
So basically what your saying is after school to turn the into a 40 yr old virgin that lives in theres mom’s basement
After sharing the situation to the wider tabletop gaming community, Sincevich soon had to edit his appeal to say that his faith in humanity had been restored. The positive response from the community has been overwhelming.
Next up? An Amazon wishlist to help highlight what would be most useful for the school club.
Got something helpful to add? Please let us know via the discussion area below.