Nearly two years ago we looked at hand-drawn illustrations of iconic and geeky architecture.
The sketches are part of a marketing campaign by Angies List, a company that helps introduce you to architects and other professionals to improve your home. It seemed like a win-win.
Unlike most marketing campaigns, it looks like this effort wasn’t a fire and forget. The original blog post has been updated with two new sets of geeky architecture and, once again, I think they’re worth sharing.
Dark Crystal
As you would hope, they have the Castle of the Crystal (during the Skeksis’ rule) as well as before. There’s also Circle of the Suns, so we know which period we’re looking at as well as Aughra’s Observatory.

Lord of the Rings
The most recently added collection of architecture might have been where other people would have started; on Middle-earth. There are illustrations of Minas Tirith, Helm’s Deep and even The Black Gate.