The latest Black Widow trailer is an introduction to the movie’s baddie – Taskmaster.
In the comics, Taskmaster first appeared in May 1980 as a villain for The Avengers. He’s a genius, a deadly combatant and can copy other people’s styles. In the trailer, we see him copy Captain America’s shield throw and even Black Panther’s claw and pounce combo.
Taskmaster is usually in the business of selling his services. In the forthcoming Black Widow movie, it looks like he’s been installed as the head of the Red Room and is busily training replacement Black Widows.
It looks like the plot is set after the events of Captain America: Civil War but before Thanos’ arrival. Taskmaster’s opportunity to study Black Panther couldn’t have been great, but perhaps he watched another Black Panther in action?
Alternatively, the movie seems to be keeping the identity of Taskmaster a secret. There’s no teaser of origins, and so some fan theories are already discussing whether Taskmaster turns out to be a character we already know, or a possible bring into the next phase of Marvel movies. So, if Taskmaster can already mimic Black Panther, then does that give us a hint as to who they might be? Just fan speculation!
We don’t have that long to wait until Black Widow hits the cinemas. It’s due out in America on May the 1st.