As predicted by this list of Onyx Path World of Darkness freebies there is another generous core rule book available for free today.
Right now, you can download Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition for free from the Storyteller’s Guild.
The PDF costs typically $29.99, and so this is a generous offer from Onyx Path Publishing.
Werewolf, like Vampire, is an iconic tabletop game and one which features human-wolf monsters that fight against a corrupted world even though they are doomed to lose. If Vampire is about angst, Werewolf is about rage.
The edition Onyx Path has put up for $0.00 is the very popular 20th Anniversary edition which is a silver best seller in the marketplace.
It’s expected that by tomorrow the offer will be gone, but that the 20th Anniversary edition of Mage: The Ascension will be free instead.
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