Amazing Tales was the most popular family RPG of 2018 on DriveThruRPG and is one of the bookshop’s few adamantine best sellers.
It is a game for kids.
Now, as a contribution to the social distancing and self-isolation efforts, much of the world is taking to stop the spread of the Covid-19 coronavirus, author Martin Lloyd has made an Amazing Tales Quickstart.
You can download it for free from DriveThruRPG.
Free to download Amazing Tales adventures
That’s not all. If you’re working from home and homeschooling your family, you may have less time than ever. To help, Lloyd has also put together some pre-written adventures.
The Witch and the Willow – a one-page adventure with talking animals or fairies as heroes who have to rescue a nice witch from a mean tree.
Of Dragons and Dwarves – a one-page adventure in which princes, princesses, wizards and knights have to save a village from Grom the digging golem.
Race to the Rock – a one-page adventure in which the heroes use a treasure map to get to Eagle’s Rock before Captain Brimstone does.
The Megarathi Mission – a one-page adventure in which the heroes are space rangers, robots, scientists or even aliens and have to infiltrate the enemy base on Planet Tora Prime to rescue a scientist.
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