How about a random dungeon generator that could be easily used to build dungeon maps for virtual tabletops like Roll20, Astral Tabletop and Fantasy Grounds? What if it could also be used to help build papercraft dungeon models for your actual tabletop?
The Dungeon Generator built by Kristian Richards of Crooked Staff Terrain does exactly that.
It took me just a second to generate that (fragment) of a dungeon. Pop over to to design your own.
You’ll see that you have some download options in the right-hand side control panel. The full map can be downloaded and, if you have Roll20 Pro and the Walls script you might also be tempted by the Wall obscured and Walls visible variants.
As it happens, Crooked Staff Terrain also make “Print and Paste” dungeons. Sadly, there’s no computer script to generate them for you, but you can download Kristian’s designs, print them out and paste them to cardboard to make your own miniature dungeon.
There’s even a whole YouTube series of tutorials to keep you right.
The dungeon designs are modular, and this means simple elements stack together to make some impressively complex models.
The designs used in the video above are available on DriveThruRPG as a Pay What You Want (suggested price $1.00).
If you know you’re going to need plenty of original dungeons, then you can join the 60 or so gamers supporting Kristian Richards on Patreon. There’s plenty of additional textures for virtual tabletops and updates from the Crooked Staff Terrain YouTube series that are posted, with helpful comments, on the site.
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