Würm The Ice Age Roleplaying Game is a Kickstarter project that dates back to 2015, and the DriveThruRPG publication date is recorded as March 07, 2017.

You can buy the PDF, at a discount, today.
Chaosium has just announced they will be picking the game up.
So, what’s going on? Würm is a Nocturnal Media project. In other words, it was one of the projects Stewart Wieck was managing at his untimely death. Since then his family and friends have stepped into the breach and spent years dealing with the fallout.
It’s pleasing to see that the game has been available at DTRPG for so long as this presumably means Kickstarter backers have had something.
Today’s news is that Würm – The Ice Age Roleplaying Game is going further. Chaosium will be disturbing the game. There are limited numbers of the book in the publisher’s UK warehouse, but they will be sending more, and a supply to their space in Poland as well.
Würm is a system-lite RPG set in humanity’s prehistory during the ice age. There are two species of humans hunting and scavaging in the wilds; the robust Bear Men (Neanderthals) and the taller Long Men (Cro-Magnon, or Cavemen).

In addition to the DriveThuRPG download, you can buy digital and physical formats from Chaosium. There’s also an art book and two Voices of the Ancestors adventures.