Cephalofair Games’ Gloomhaven expansion Frosthaven has become the most successful tabletop game in Kickstarter history.
83, 193 backers pledged $12, 969, 608 to make the game happen. That’s right; nearly $13m.
Out of those tens of thousands of individual backers, you will notice hundreds of game stores also in on the action, backing the game so they can get it directly from Cephalofar and sell it on. Of course, third-party logistics companies have been unable to work during the lockdown.
Frosthaven takes Kingdom Death: Monter 1.5’s title. The 2017 success had previously had a clear lead in the Kickstarter chart and raised $12, 393, 139 from 19, 264.
So while Frosthaven only just beat Kingdom Death: Monster 1.5, it did so with four times the number of backers.
Exploding Kittens is third place in the table, raising $8, 782, 571 in 2015 from 219, 382 backers.
Of course, many board games leave the option open for additional post-campaign sales and expansions. Those figures are unknown to us.
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