As conventions are cancelled, gaming companies are responding in different ways. Some are running their own online events, some sob quietly in the corner and Agate have taken Shadows of Esteren back to Kickstarter.
This award-winning RPG is celebrating its 8th anniversary and in this Kickstarter campaign you’ve the option to splash the cash and get a truckload of high quality, amazingly illustrated and highly regarded RPG books. That’s one of the available aspects. The second is the art book which, if you already have an impressive Shadows of Esteren collection is still likely to be new to you.
The Kickstarter still has 20 days on the clock, and it’s already raised more than $45,000 in pledges. You can check the details at the campaign page.
So, how much does it cost to get going? $20 gets you the PDF of the Dark Romanticism Artbook and digital stretch goals. $40 turns the 200-page book into a hardcover available in French or English.
$60 gets you a PDF of all the books, four albums of music, access to The Mac Lyrs’ Legacy and a dozen digital game aids.
It’s easier to spend more than this, though. $100 gets you 700 pages of real book, music and digital game aids. $200 gets you twice as much.
There’s even a $1,000 “Book Lover Collection” if you are in search of the leatherbound collection.
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