Sunghoo Park (The God of High School) is the director and Hiroshi Seko (Attack on Titan: Lost Girls, Vinland Saga) is writing, so that’s a pretty impressive lineup for the anime Jujutsu Kaisen.
The My Hero Academia voice actor Junichi Suwabei will play the dangerously named “King of Curses” in the show.
Due to premiere in October in Japan, this video reveals more cast and crew. It’s also in Japanese, of course, so wait a few seconds for the action to build, and you’ll be rewarded with murderous looking monsters and some high octane action.
Jujutsu Kaisen is established in print, the 11th volume is due out via Shueisha in June, and Viz Media have the English license.
The story starts with a focus around an athletic young man called Yuji Itadori who wants to chill with the Occult Club. That chill doesn’t last very long when the club members are attacked.
At the same time, a character called Megumi Fushiguro is tracking down a dangerous cursed object, and that search leads him to encounter Itadori.
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