Palladium Books the RPG publisher behind games like RIFTS and Beyond the Supernatural has given DriveThruRPG a generous and free preview of In the Face of Death.
In the Face of Death is a supplement for the Dead Reign RPG. Dead Reign was published by Palladium back in 2008 and In The Face of Death will be the 7th supplement for it. As it happens, there’s a free preview of Dead Reign too.
The In the Face of Death preview serves up the first 50 or so pages of the 160-page book.
The goal of the supplement is to avoid zombie apocalypses becoming boring. The argument is that hiding in an attic apartment, staying as quiet as you can while salvaging from the city becomes repetitive quickly. So, In the Face of Death starts off by rethinking the zombie apocalypse and starting that it’s time to fight back.
In the full book, there will be resources, defences, traps and urban homesteads and a section for looking at life on rooftops of what the heart of the city post-zombie outbreak will look like.
There are city survival tactics, parkour and other skills introduced along with new O.C.C.s (character classes) like Rat Runner and Urban Explorer along with rules for kids of O.C.C.s.
Perhaps touching on some popular zombie franchises, In the Face of Death introduce “Heroic Masked Lunatics” as a new type of hero, but also new predators such as Skinners, Flesh Peddlers and Gutte Rats.
Over 100 adventure hooks are included, death cults and even a dungeon crawl-style exploration approach for dealing with ruins.
You can download the free preview from DriveThruRPG.
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