In a video interview, Tomas Harenstam of Free League Publishing told Jeff McAleer the The Gaming Gang that Tales from the Loop would be coming to Roll20.
(Conversion on this subject starts at around 9 minutes 20 seconds)
Oz Mills is working on a new campaign book for Tales from the Loop as well.
Tales from the Loop is not the only Free League Publishing game that is coming to Roll20. Harenstam says they all are and names Alien in particular.
The sci-fi game has been an enormous success for the Swedish publisher with the first print run being sold out and a second re-printing needed. A campaign book for Alien is also on the way.

However, in this interview, Harenstam says that Mutant Year Zero is a top-selling game and so we can imagine that it’ll be high on the list for the Roll20 treatment.
The two discuss Free League’s latest news; the Kickstarter project to fund the fourth edition of Twilight: 2000.
The Year Zero engine might not be adopted for Twilight: 2000 as Free League are currently weighing two different systems; dice pool or not. We also learn why Twilight:2000 4e is set in the year 2000 rather than, say, 2030 or 2035. Free League worry that near-future settings date very quickly, and so it’s better to think of Twilight: 2000 as an alternative history. As Geek Native suggested when the news broke; Free League are also keen to stay out of politics.