PaizoCon Online has now ended, and the publisher squeezed in lots of exciting product reveals.
You can read up on those product reveals across several Paizo blog posts. There’s the Pathfinder: Kingmaker marquee blog, Starfinder marquee blog, Paizo Organized Play marquee blog and then the Pathfinder marquee blog.
Geek Native made this timeline after GenCon 2019 which helped show the forthcoming Pathfinder releases back then. I thought it would be useful to compile a new one. Now, thanks to help from Paizo, that’s what you can find below.

Starfinder Society: Year of Exploration’s Edge
Runs until May 2021. Information at

Pathfinder Advanced Player’s Guide
Pre-orders expected to open for Gen Con Online. More information at

Pathfinder Lost Omens: Legends
Pre-orders expected to open for Gen Con Online. More information at

Starfinder Starship Operations Manual
Physical pre-orders and PDF sales expected to open for Gen Con Online. More information at

Pathfinder Kingmaker Anniversary Edition compilation
Includes; Kingmaker Adventure Path (over 600 pages.), Kingmaker Companion Guide, Kingmaker Bestiary for the first edition of Pathfinder, Kingmaker Bestiary for 5e, Flip-Mat Multi-Packs. Crowdfunding info at