Generous and prolific cartographer Zatnikotel creates battle maps and gives them away for free.
These maps have featured on Geek Native before, and we’re now well past four million square-feet of designs.

If you want to access the latest million, a set known as Deeper Dungeons, then pop over to Deviant Art and download them from there. You could also swing by Zatnikotel’s Ko-fi page and say thank you with a few dollars.
Deeper Dungeons explores seven levels from the ruins of a castle in the land above, down into the dungeons below and deeper into a cave network. Perhaps, just perhaps, there are structures even further down.
There are a total of 16 50-inch x 50-inch maps. If you add up how much space each one of the many squares on each map title represents in D&D, then you get to 1,000,000 square feet.

You can download these free RPG maps from Deviant Art for free.