For the next few days, you can raise money to support the Fight For Racial Justice and get $1,200 worth of computer games, tabletop RPGs, comic books and novels for just $30.

Paizo Publishing is supporting the effort, and the bundle will get you a copy of Starfinder, which is the sci-fi sibling of their iconic fantasy RPG Pathfinder.
If you think justice is worth fighting for then the bundle is up until the end of the week.
A quick scan of the offer reveals a host of goodies. There’s Hyper Light Drifter, an indie game so popular it spawned an official tabletop RPG project, there’s the Kerbal Space Program, Titan Quest, BioShock Remastered, GoNNER BLuEBERRY, Elite Dangerous and plenty more computer games.
Comic books include the Attack on Titan Anthology, Ghost in the Shell: Global Neural Network and Bitter Root.
There’s even some non-fiction such as a book to help you learn Rust, the programming language Microsoft might shift more resources too.
Tempted? Join the fight.