A survey out this week reveals that 97% of people found that playing video games was good for their mental health.
Commenting on the poll of 3,000 people, gaming charity Safe in Our World was keen to highlight the positive role of video games.
Leo Zullo, Chairman of Safe in our World told press;
This survey shows the vital importance of gaming to billions of players around the world, and to their mental health. To see such an emphatic impact the worlds we create has on our players is heart-warming.”
There is much to do in encouraging those suffering to talk, but to know that games can help and encourage positive mental health, gives our industry affirmation that we’re on the right track. This survey is an essential driver for the research Safe In Our World intends to facilitate”
Zullo co-founded the charity with Gareth Williams and Neil Broadhead in 2019 with a mission to foster positive mental health wellbeing for players, developers and retailers who work in the gaming space.
The survey was coordinated by Experience12 a marketing agency with a focus on pop culture.
80% of people in the survey were aged between 18 and 34, 58% were male, 38% female, 2% non-conforming and 1% transgender.
A predictable discovery is that during lockdown people are playing video games more as 33% of people said they’re playing at least 20 hours a week. Before lockdown was introduced only 14% cold play as much.
Multiplayer has a role too, with 64% of the respondents saying that connecting with others online for games had helped alleviate feelings of isolation.
Chris Whittle, Managing Director of the marketing agency, commented;
Lockdown restrictions may be lifting in certain areas, but the nation’s mental health is still a major concern, with the charity MIND just last month revealing the extent that the COVID-19 pandemic has had – and warning that worse is yet to come,”
Our research has clearly revealed that playing video games can have a significant and positive impact on both mental wellbeing and feelings of isolation.
The survey also said that 52% of people are looking forward to attending a convention within six months of lockdown restrictions lifting. Are you? Answer that one question in Geek Native’s own survey and you could win a copy of the fast-moving 5211 card game.
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