Not sure what board game to play? Try Gameception and play games within games. Need to deal with someone who’s always on their phone, not paying attention to the game… well, then try Gameception.
This straightforward game gives you cards that describe events which occur during another game. If something happens that matches your card, you reveal it and grab the points. It’s a game that lives within your other games.
Don’t have it? Well, here’s a game that could win you Gameception!
Don’t fancy your chances or don’t want to wait? Gameception costs £15.55 at Amazon and is a little cheaper at BoardGameGuru.
Open to UK residents only due to shipping fees, the competition is easy to enter. Log in to the widget below (so we can track entries), see what your mission is and complete it to earn points. Each point you have is a chance of being the randomly selected winner.
a Rafflecopter giveawayTerms & Conditions apply
Closes 31/8/2020