Phew, what a busy week; another one packed with RPG news. Are you keeping up?
First up, some good news. Geek Native patrons will get two free gifts as a thank you. Digital copies of the Adventure System and Adventure System Supers are going to new recruits too.
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And now, on with the RPG news!
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RPG news from Geek Native
- Gamers raised nearly $8,000 with the Lebanese Red Cross Relief.
- RPG publishers at DriveThruRPG have launched a charity bundle for Beirut which gives you $235 worth of RPGs for $30.
- Mattel and Fandom have announced Masters of the Universe: Legends of Grayskull.
- ICv2’s best-selling chart puts D&D top, Pathfinder second and Cyberpunk 5th.
- QuillHound Studios has made a free playtest available for the good-looking The Wildsea RPG.
- For free, you can download a bundle of RPG goodies for the Land of Eem.
- Also for free, Absolute Tabletop have provided beta rules for their 5e sci-fi Harbinger.
- There are a free test and an art preview available for the Kickstarter project XII: Inner Demons.
- Mage Hand Press shared the sneaky Cat Box.
- The 20th Anniversary edition of Death in Freeport is for 5e.
- Green Ronin has announced a community content program called Chronicle System Guild.
- Geek Native has a preview of Studio Agate’s Book of Creatures.
- Golden Goblin Press has a Bundle of Holding deal for Cthulhu Invictus.
- Star Shine has published a D&D supplement to normalise mask-wearing called Murmermel’s Guide to Masks.
- Geek Native interviewed LoreSmyth about Wonderous Expeditions – Forests.
- The free virtual tabletop Tableplop has had an upgrade.
- Geek Native reviewed Petersen Games’ Dark Worlds: The Ritual.
- Geek Native also reviewed the anime-inspired Eyes Unclouded D&D anthology.
- Geek Native took a look at the newly released Through the Veil: Tales of the Feywild.
- Robert J Schwalb has announced Shadow of the Weird Wizard.
- Goodman Games has released nearly 800 pages of Dungeon Crawl Classics content for free.
- Kobold Press has rocked up on TeePublic for merch.
RPG news from around the web

- Jared Rascher reviewed The King of the Dungeons.
- Meanwhile, over at Gnome Stew, Rascher also reviewed Exploring Eberron.
- Paizo Publishing shared Organized Play Online Convention Updates.
- Alex Meehan covered Classic ‘80s Dungeons & Dragons adventure Castle Amber is being revised for 5E.
- The Worldbuild With Us podcast has An Interview With the Creators of MORK BORG.
- The Guardian’s Pearse Anderson also got into MORK BORG with Unleash the minstrels of pain! Mörk Borg, the metal role-playing game rocking lockdown
- Mantic Games told us more about their 5e Hellboy RPG project with What are Feats?, Choosing a Role for your Agent! and Creating Your Agent.
- Benjamin Abbott at GamesRadar gave us Explorer’s Guide to Wildemount Review: “Absurdly Deep and Broad in Scope”.
- At d20Radio, Egg Embry wrote up Burials of Teganshire: An Interview with Griffon Lore Games.
- At Forbes, Rob Wieland published Explore the World of Alan Moore’s Watchmen Through Rare RPG Content and also Wardlings Put Kids Front And Center In A Dungeons And Dragons World
- Scott Baird wrote up Why Dungeons & Dragons Boss Battles Are More Epic Than Ever.
- Osprey Publishing shared Jonathan Hicks’ third Those Dark Places RPG designer blog.
- Kobold Press offered up Expanding Codex: Gloomflower.
- At EN World, Ben Reece reviewed Lost Omens: Legends.
- Chaosium revealed the Rivers of London RPG team.
- Wicked Foundations is looking to hire a 5e game designer. Can you pass their test?
- James C. Loftis of the University of North Texas looked into How Actual Play Podcasts Led to the Golden Age of Tabletop RPGs.
RPG new releases

As an experiment, this issue of Routinely Itemised: RPGs will call out a sample of new releases. A good idea?
- Monte Cook Games released (with a free preview) Liminal Shore.
- SpaceOrange42 released Gold&Glory: Garden of Bones and Gold&Glory: Seven Deadly Dungeons (Savage Worlds Adventure Edition).
- Onyx Path Publishing released Mysteries of the World: The Scion Second Edition Companion.
- Earlier, Onyx Path released They Came From Beneath the Sea!
- Egg Embry published POWERED by the DREAMR RPG Zine.
- One Archivist published an adventure for Mothership called Primeval.
- Skirmisher Publishing released The Mythos Society Guide to New England.
- Cubicle 7 released Soulbound’s Shadows in the Mist.
- Christopher Waples as an Icewind Dale adventure called Dread of the Ice Devil. It’s only $0.50 for the next 48 hours.
- Legendary Games published Aegis of Empires Adventure Path for 5e.
- Modiphius Entertainment published One Boggart’s Rubbish for Liminal.
- Renegade continues with Free Content Friday.
RPG ideas, tips and discoveries
- A spreadsheet for speeding up D&D chargen and session zero called Is This Allowed Too?.
- Leo Leonis shared this impressive D&D campaign map inspired by Chinese mythology.
- Kobold Publishing has started a series about skirmish-based combat called The Art of Skirmishing: To the Death.
- For Campaign Mastery, Mike Bourke wrote up Impressions of Time.
- At CBR, Anthony Gramuglia offered up Dungeons & Dragons 5e: How to Run a Dark Souls-Themed Campaign.
- Also at CBR, Matthew Attanasio opined Dungeons & Dragons: The Importance of the Pantheon.
- Draconick explored the Top 5 Worst GM Red Flags.
RPG Crowdfunding

You can see those Kickstarters and other crowdfunding campaigns that caught Geek Native’s attention over at Kickstarter watch. Here are some industry projects worth a mention;
- Exalted Funeral has earned a “Project We Love” from Kickstarter and have shot through $100,000 in days with Old-School Essentials: Advanced Fantasy.
- Angel Baba Game Studio is offering up Ice-covered Lava dice.
- Robin’s Nerd Supplies is raising funds to produce Talys Metal Dragon Dice.
- Fraser Ronald is on Kickstarter with a second edition of the hardboiled sword & sorcery RPG Sword Noir.
- William Murakami-Brundage has a D&D 5e adventure called The Dream Prison.
- Limitless Adventures has a bundle of 5e encounters called Limitless Woodland.
- Anders Jordahl has a 5e adventure in a forest with To Catch A Unicorn.
- The Merciless Merchants have a Labyrinth Lord adventure set in the Age of Dusk, and it is The Palace of Unquiet Repose.
- Dead Channel Studios are raising funds for an epic 5e adventure called The Cursed King.
- Levi Combs has an RPG zine filled with OSR adventure plot hooks with The Phylactery 2.
- Infect3d1 is crowdfunding 5e One-Shots and A-Lots!.
- Minor Realm Games has an original adventure module suitable for 5e and OSR systems in the form of Clock Strike Zero.
- W.S. Quinton is onto book three of Tarot Adventures with Death comes to Glenfallow.
- Zan’s Adventures are hoping to tempt you with Zan’s Book of Stupid Magic Spells for 5e DnD.
If there’s a source or news you think is worth monitoring, please get in touch or leave a comment below.