Hit Point Press is the publisher of Humblewood and The Deck of Many Animated Spells. Now they’re paying homage to ’80s horror movies with a freaky carnival campaign for D&D.
Clowns and spiders warning.
Tempting Kickstarter warning.
$20,000 was asked for this campaign, and the lure of sinister clowns are strong. With nearly a month still to run, and there’s already $177,000 pledged. Hit Point Press’ rep at delivering high-quality campaigns without drama is paying off. You can follow campaign progress on Kickstarter.
Heckna! is a campaign setting and adventure that uses Hit Point Press’ card system to build storylines that take characters through freaky encounters and to a final horrible boss.
It’s a pledge of $20 to get the print and play version of Heckna! That’s a deluxe option which comes with printable reference cards, maps and standees. There’s no lower pledge.
Want the hardcover but not the minis? That’s $40, and you get the PDF too. The book will come in at over 150 pages and is expected in June 2021.
The basic box set will set you back $80. You can step up to $120 if you want the complete set with cards, cardboard standees, pin badges, dice and a host of rewards.
Animated spell cards for Heckna! are possible too, but only if the campaign hits $200,000 and at the current run rate that seems likely.

A bunch of creepy carnival creatures are added to D&D with this adventure setting. Clown thralls are one example but these Shnozlings, tiny aberrations, that latch on to unsuspecting humanoids to make more clown thralls are another.
Want to freak your players out right now? Or perhaps you want to see what all the fuss is about?
You can download the latest playtest of Heckna! for free.