Monte Cook Games’ latest supplement for the Cypher System is We Are All Mad Here.

The setting is based on fairytales, Alice in Wonderland and English folklore in a place known as the Heartwood.
You can download a free 28-page preview by adding it to your cart at the Monte Cook Games store and going through the checkout process.
The name of the supplement hints at Alice in Wonderland.
You must be mad,” said the Cat, “or you wouldn’t have come here.”
Nevertheless, the title is an unusual one and might raise a few eyebrows.
As it happens, Monte Cook Games are aware that mental health isn’t a trivial issue nor one to wrap exclusively in the blank of whimsical fantasy.
We Are All Mad Here has a whole chapter, albeit a few pages long, dedicated to the discussion of mental health in games and that chapter is included in its entirety in the free preview.
The supplement’s author, Shanna Germain, made the game’s inclusion of the critical chapter in a tweet about the free download.