Developed over the last 24 months, Wildshape is a free to download map maker and virtual tabletop for games like D&D.
The newly launched map maker is supported by a Patreon that unlocks extra 3d model assets.
You can use Wildshape to sculpt a landscape, drag features such as buildings, rivers or bridges onto it and create a detailed 3d-like experience. The software has a dice roller, models, tokens and even a small army of animated monsters.
A Discord server is free to join for questions and an introduction to the community, although Patreons have access to extra channels.
Many of the models used by Wildshape come from the Unity store. This means they need to be bought and paid for, but as more people join the Wildshape Patreon, more assets can be purchased for the platform.
The next big update is to the online multiplayer system, the details of which haven’t been shared, suffice to say it’s expected to take a little while to integrate.
Here’s how easily a small village can be built with the tool.
You can download Wildshape from today.