The Bundle of Holding is giving away a host of old Hero Magazines in PDF form, and some of them have never been available in this format before.
These magazines are devoted to Champions, The Super Roleplaying Game and the HERO System.
HERO is a big and popular system, as the bundle site points out there are 452 different downloads on DriveThruRPG that use HERO.
The Magazine bundle is nearly 8,000 pages and you can check them out here.
Starter Collection – $14.95
Keeping in mind that some of these magazines date back to 1983, the Starter COllection has a retail value of $70.
- Digital Hero 1-20
- Hero System Fifth Revised Edition
- Hero System Resource Kit
Bonus Collection
The cost of the Bonus Collection changes as people buy the bundle. It will go up as people pay to buy the magazines and drop if people don’t go for the Bonus. This tier contains more than 65 downloads and has a retail value of $204.50.
- Adventurers Club 1-27
- Haymaker Archives 1-7
- Digital Hero 21-47
- 2 Champions 4E Rulebooks & GM Screen
- Champions 1E-2E-3E
Tempted? You can check out the offer at the Bundle of Holding.
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