D&D 5e once again tops the Orr Report on Roll20 games in the third quarter of 2020.
The virtual tabletop system, which allows people to play roleplaying games with friends (or strangers) over the internet, crossed the 100 million play hours during Q3.
In the earlier quarter, D&D 5e games made up for 53% of all campaigns on Roll20. That figure has edged up to 53.26%.

After that, homebrew and otherwise uncategorised games made up to 14.03% of campaigns. Then the combined Call of Cthulhu editions with 11.30%. That’s a significant increase for Call of Cthulhu, leaping up from 8.46% from Q2.

The Orr Group, who own Roll20, call out Powered by the Apocalypse games as ones that are doing well. Monster of the Week, one of those games, is now listed as a standalone entity in their reports. However, if all the Apocalypse Word games were added together, they would outrank Starfinder. Adding Blades in the Dark boots the Apocalypse again, pushing past Warhammer and the World of Darkness.

Breakout games include Tormenta, inSANe, Lancer, Star Trek Adventures, Call of Cthulhu, Delta Green and Old School Essentials.