Year Zero World Building creates campaign settings using Free League’s RPGs. The Lord of the Rings Roleplaying takes The One Ring RPG 2E and converts it to Dungeons & Dragons 5E.
YZ World Building: Dragonbane
The Dragonbane system is a d20 roll under slimmed down from a previous d100 system. I want to create a world using this system with an old-school fantasy feel using a modern system.
YZ Worldbuilding: Ruins of Symbaroum Call of the Dark
The Bell Tolls for Kastor, The Howling of Damned Gods, and What’s Bred in the Bone all deal with religious matters. The PCs must take sides, and their decision will profoundly affect the campaign world going forward. Religion and politics are intertwined in this world, and the final adventure in particular, marries the two into a complex and dangerous scenario.
YZ Worldbuilding: Alien Trilogy
Year Zero Worldbuilding creates campaign settings using Free League’s RPGs.
YZ Worldbuilding: Blade Runner
Imagine living as a have not in a future LA dominated by poverty, corporate overreach, moral quandaries, and violence. Blade Runner takes the Year Zero Engine system and couples it with investigation and existential character drama that will change and mark the player characters who survive.
YZ Worldbuilding: Into the Odd – A Whole Campaign in One Book
Year Zero World Building creates campaign settings using Free League’s RPGs. This month covers Into the Odd. This one book RPG contains not only a complete rule set but also an entire campaign, including dungeons, a hex crawl, and a city all between two covers.
YZ Worldbuilding: The One Ring Vampire Lair
The Old Dwarf-Mines for Ruins of the Lost Realm is a landmark perfect to expand into a vampire lair. The mines are located far to the north in the Blue Mountains deep inside Dark Lands territory.
YZ Worldbuilding: The One Ring Vampires
This month features a return to Middle-earth via The One Ring Second Edition. PCs need a challenge as they grow in power. My answer? Vampires.
YZ Worldbuilding: The One Ring Spider Lore
Year Zero World Building creates campaign settings using Free League’s RPGs. This month features a return to Middle-earth via The One Ring Second Edition and a look at spider lore that just might uncover the webs they spin to cover Eriador in darkness.
YZ Worldbuilding: The One Ring Shelob’s Siblings
First up are a Great Spider and a Monstrous Water Spider. Following that are the three siblings of Shelob. These siblings are inspired by three of Shelob’s spawn detailed in The One Ring First Edition. While these spiders are similar, they are tougher and far more dangerous with servants and far reaching webs of terror they spin in Shadow.