In Japan, manga usually refers to one-shot manga or a series of manga, not just a manga-like illustration. In many cases, mangaka create both manga stories and manga art.
How DMs Can Conjure Up Creativity into Session Prep Using Writing Prompts
Now you have all you need to jumpstart your next session prep with some creative writing prompts and find some new ideas.
Corruption might be unexpectedly wholesome in your RPG
Corruption comes in many forms. Regardless of differences, all of them are linked to the central premise that something once pure or good becomes infected, and slowly changes into something less than what it was, a damaged version of itself, often twisted into its very antithesis.
How to Put a Time Limit on Your D&D Quests – and why you should
When we play a game like Dungeons & Dragons, the outcome of each session is, generally speaking, unknown to everyone involved.
What Great Writers Do
Most of us have heard the saying–whether from tabletop game creators, Aaron Sorkin, or T. S. Eliot– “Good writers borrow, great writers steal.”
Combat-hacking: How to Make Your 5th Edition Combat Iconic
Joshua Raynack is Lead Game Designer and co-founder of Alea Publishing Group.
Game Jams: Three TTRPGs inspired by music
Recently, I took a deep dive into indie games with music at their core. It’s a theme that’s inspired everything from microgames to full-length systems.
Exploring the Familiar in Tabletop Roleplaying Games
We tend to think of exploration as “seeing something new”. We imagine floating crystal highways, a dragon made of cheese, or a huge galactic bug predator; something we haven’t seen before and could scarcely imagine.
Balancing Science and Fiction in Sci-Fi RPG: Tips from Roll & Play Press
Science and fiction. These two concepts might seem like opposites, and yet, when combined in science fiction, we get the best of both.
50 tips and resources for making your own single-page RPG
Create an entire tabletop roleplaying game that fits on a single A5 piece of paper.