Geek Native has permission to share some of the unlettered art from Titan’s The Man Who Fell to Earth.
Rick & Morty Vs Dungeons & Dragons: Meeseeks goes full character sheet cover with variant
Next month, Jim Zub and Troy Little will give us another comic book D&D and Rick & Morty crossover. The series is Rick & Morty Vs Dungeons & Dragons: Meeseeks #1.
Different again: A review of Cowboy Bebop the comic book
Plot-wise, therefore, Cowboy Bebop feels very true to the franchise. Spike, Jet and Faye are the Spike, Jet and Faye I’d expect (with Faye dressed somewhere in between) and admire.
Polygon Pictures’ 40th Anniversary: Kaina of the Great Snow Sea
Tsutomu Nihei and Polygon, who worked together before on Knights of Sidonia, will tell the story of boy-meets-girl while the world is eaten by snow fantasy.
The sci-fi dystopia of Humanoids is available as a Humble megabundle deal
There’s an impressive five tiers in this £445 valued deal.
Spending all your character points on Luck!
My dapper half-orc duelist dropped his sword in the very first fight and died.
Boom and Wizards of the Coast announce Magic: The Hidden Planeswalker
The plot picks up after the necromancer Liliana Vess returns home to become a professor at a college of magic and detects… well, something hidden.
Which Spidey villain appeals most to fans?
We had a host of Spider-man baddies in No Way Home (maybe) we’ll get that (sometimes) Spider-man villain in their own movie with Morbius.
Comic: And then you win!
Tim, aka eldercactus on Instagram with nearly 50K followers, has a theory as to why random wins might happen in adventure cRPGs.
Comic: Neatgo Notvac
Lopez created such hits as Wyatt & Blue and Circuit Chums, wholesome strips inspired by life with their life.