The world moves toward war. The armies of the Seven Holy Kingdoms of Tiahn move south, subjugating all in their path in the name of their divine law.
Paizo and Foundry forge a content partnership
This new level of partnership represents the culmination of nearly a year of communal effort from Paizo, Foundry Virtual Tabletop, Sigil Entertainment Group, Syrinscape, and contributors from the FVTT Pathfinder Second Edition development community.
Beowulf RPG adapts 5e for just two players: Heads back to Kickstarter
Handiwork’s Beowulf Age of Heroes has been a success. The RPG was designed to be played with just two people, one player and one person running it and adapts the 5e rules which are so widely known.
The official The Dark Crystal tabletop RPG is out on DriveThruRPG
This book contains everything you need to play in and run your own version of Thra. Create Gelfling Characters, dive into a fantastical world of Henson creatures, and rise up against the Skeksis.
Free to Download: The Rift to Rhymorra – a 5e Guide to the Spirit Realm preview
Rhymorra, also known as the spirit realm, is a coterminous plane that shares multiple borders with the material plane.
Tome of Adventure Design: System-neutral RPG ideas book takes in tens of thousands
Mythmere Games was founded by a graphic designer, Suzy Moseby, who works with companies like Dwarven Forge, Chessex and Alliance, and Matt Finch, who created OSRIC and is an ENnie-winning Swords & Wizardry game designer.
By Crom! Buy Conan! Modiphius uppercut wallets with two Conan RPG bundles at once
Based on Robert E. Howard’s fiction and the rule system behind so many franchise titles, not limited to Infinity and Mutant Chronicles, the TTRPG takes players into Hyboria.
Botanists and Hobble Pollen in D&D: Digging into the Herbal Journal with Sarsen Games
Sarsen Games are based in Wiltshire. Dave and Matt, the couple behind the company, have the nearby 5,000-year-old Stonehenge where ancient Druids told stories and held festivals as inspiration.
Free to Download: Artifacts & Adventure – Modern-Day Treasure Hunters RPG
Some treasure hunters work for profit, others for a sense of discovery, or simply because they believe recovering relics is the right thing to do. Treasure hunting is a life of danger, excitement, and globe-trotting adventure.
The Heart of Chentoufi: An adventure from Luke Gygax of Gary Con
The Kickstarter is straightforward, funded not just because of the Gygax name but because of a very humble campaign goal and, I imagine, the popularity of D&D 5e adventures.