Champions Begins is a tutorial adventure designed to teach both Game Masters and Players how to play Champions, the Super Role Playing Game.
Year Zero World Building: The One Ring
Year Zero World Building creates campaign settings using Free League’s RPGs, many of which use the Year Zero system.
Will Kirkby’s Critical Role Wyrmwood Gaming dice trays are a work of colourful wonder
These are dice trays, but you could also mount them on the wall as art.
Routinely Itemised: RPGs #135
A summary of RPGs news from the week with more TSR drama, horror RPGs, killer future robots and babies with broadswords.
Lords of Chaos will be a gritty high fantasy tabletop RPG
The percentage-based RPG offers two things traditionally hard to put together; high fantasy with grit.
Paper terrain and 3D-printable dungeon models
The castles and cavern parts collection has a retail value of over £230 and a top tier of under £14.
The Terminator: Role Playing Game core rules hardcover goes on pre-order
‘The Terminator RPG’ is the official roleplaying game based on ‘The Terminator’ movie and associated graphic novels published by Dark Horse comics.
Indie RPG designer momatoes launches The Arcanum SRD for ARC: Doom Tabletop
ARC: Doom Tabletop in an indie game from momatoes, published by Exalted Funeral and available to buy.
Altum: Horizon Rising is a bleak system-neutral art and OSR RPG
HORIZON RISING features small sections of lost history that can be loosely connected to form a narrative surrounding the looming end of ALTUM.
Free to Download: Babies and Broadswords RPG gets a demo
In the RPG, you play a baby goblin, human or, if you want, baby Warforged.