‘The Terminator RPG’ is the official roleplaying game based on ‘The Terminator’ movie and associated graphic novels published by Dark Horse comics.
Indie RPG designer momatoes launches The Arcanum SRD for ARC: Doom Tabletop
ARC: Doom Tabletop in an indie game from momatoes, published by Exalted Funeral and available to buy.
Altum: Horizon Rising is a bleak system-neutral art and OSR RPG
HORIZON RISING features small sections of lost history that can be loosely connected to form a narrative surrounding the looming end of ALTUM.
Free to Download: Babies and Broadswords RPG gets a demo
In the RPG, you play a baby goblin, human or, if you want, baby Warforged.
Godlike and supervillains: One-Roll returns with a discount offer
They might be better known for creepy RPGs; Greg (Unknown Armies) Stolze and Dennis (Delta Green) Detwiller of Arc Dream Publishing are also responsible for One-Roll.
Handimonsters Annual 2022 turns a Patreon of monsters into a book
Handimonsters Annual 2022 is the first of its kind and, in 5e-terms, features monsters like the subterranean knackers of CR 1/4 to the Dragon of Dreams with CR 20.
Soulmist: The Erebos system for 5e, a dark world and prohibited magic
Greece’s Black Lantern Productions has a Kickstarter hit and a loved project with Soulmist: A Journey from Darkness to Light.
D&D’s Monsters of the Multiverse monster list leaked
We now have the complete list of playable monster races that will be part of the official D&D book Monsters of the Multiverse.
Did a Kickstarter category cost these gorgeous and cheat-proof precision dice their chance?
Impossible to cheat with? The suspended inner core seems to make it much harder, at least.
Mork Borgundle: A Mork Mork Compatible offer at the Bundle of Holding
Just for the record, “Borgundle” in my own attempt at a portmanteau of “Borg” and “Bundle”, don’t blame anyone else for the horrendous mash up!