Action Pups is a family game in which you tell the story of the secret life of a pet dog. The studio behind Action Pups is Twogether, the games company from Keith Baker and Jenn Ellis. That’s the same Keith Baker who created D&D’s Eberron campaign setting. More recently, Twogether is in the news for […]
Genre Police: Take The Power Back
Let’s talk about control for a minute. Any time one person has a kind of control over another, there’s a power imbalance. This is constantly true about RPGs.
Dalreth looks to establish an icy city of intrigue and adventure
Darrin Anderson is looking to bring his D&D 5e setting the icy city of Dalreth to life in books and with pewter miniatures with the help of the Kickstarter community.
Free to Download: Samhain Slaughter (a one-page RPG)
Designed as a Halloween special, Samhain Slaughter is a standalone scenario for the Tricube Tales system and is usable as a micro-setting, but it is also a fully self-contained one-page RPG in its own right.
The red mist rises again: The Alhami Sky returns to Kickstarter
The red mist is the magical apocalypse that ruined the world, forcing people in the sky above, but it’s not done and after all these years is working on an evil plan.
The RPG Worlds Without Number smashes through the $100,000 mark on Kickstarter
Ages of men and of Outsiders have ascended and been forgotten, and only the bones of their cities and the dust of their dreams remain upon this tired world.
The devil angel war returns as Era: Forbidden comes back to Kickstarter
In Era: Forbidden individual humans can join the fight by getting hold of, and picking up, one of the weapons used by the angels and demons.
Starfinder gets a core rules errata
We’re told that the changes largely clarify intent and fix known issues. There are some tweaks to resolve inconsistencies and make life a bit better for GMs and players.
Call of Cthulhu’s The Children of Fear due out this month
Chaosium has confirmed that their mammoth Call of Cthulhu adventure The Children of Fear will be available in digital format this year.
Routinely Itemised: RPGs #69
Geek Native’s weekly RPG news herding with headlines, interviews reviews and new releases all squished into several bullet point lists.