Arion Games is offering a 2013 Paper Mini Subscription on Drivethru RPG. This raises some interesting questions like what are paper minis and should you buy them on subscription? Thankfully, Graham Bottley of Arion Games has kindly agreed to help us understand what’s going on and help roleplayers get started with paper miniatures. Can you […]
Interview the man who vaporised America; John Birmingham
John Birmingham is an Australia based author known for writing detailed alternative histories series. Without Warning is the first of three books that discover what happens to the world after a large energy field, The Wave, wipes out America on the eve of the Gulf War. Without Warning is fresh out in the UK, after […]
Did Flying Mice lead to a Better Mousetrap: An interview with Clash Bowley
Clash Bowley is the lead author and artist of the sci-fi RPG StarCluster, a host of supplements, the Blood Games Occult Horror RPG, Book of Jalan RPG and plenty others. These are games that I assocaite with Flying Mice Games but now see attributed to Better Mousetrap Games. Clash has kindly agreed to an interview […]
Exclusive: Steve Jackson shares his Peter Molyneux stories
This wonderful clip is from the proposed Fighting Fantasty documentary film and shows Steve Jackson discussing the equally famous Peter Molyneux. Steve Jackson describes Molyneux perfectly. His strength is in designing wonderful games and working with small, devoted, teams. Of course, Jackson is describing how Molyneux went from Bullfrog Productions (Populous, Syndicate, Dungeon Keeper and […]
The Solar Echoes interview with Andy Mitchell
Solar Echoes drew some attention when it launched. The RPG promised a new gaming experience and is available at RPGNow with a price tag of $35 for the Player’s Guide and $30 for the Controller’s Guide. The sci-fi RPG market is rarely an easy one to tap into and Andy Mitchell of Corefun Studios, the […]
An interview with Paul Elliott of 43AD
Paul Elliott of Zozer Games is responsible for a number of Traveller products like Outpost Mars, the Vietnam roleplaying game GRUNT and more recently 43AD. At the start of the month, Geek Native posted a look inside the game to reveal Roman soldiers, the grim life of the native Britons, druids and ancient horrors. Paul […]
The Indie+ RPG convention team in chain reaction interview
An Indie+ chain reaction interview? What is Indie+ in the first place? It’s an online gaming convention, this week, that works over Google Hangouts. What on earth is a ‘chain reaction interview’? Glad you asked. A chain reaction interview is when a whole bunch of people take part in an interview and overlap their questions […]
Rebuilding Settlers of Catan: An interview with Bill Trammel
A few days ago Geek Native covered the Kickstarter project to produce carefully designed Settlers of Catan gaming boards. In that time the project has raised many more thousands of dollars and hundreds of backers. At the time of writing Bill and Nate’s project is worth more than $150,000. We’re very pleased to say that […]
Interview with Mike Garley and James Moran of VS Comics
VS Comics is a new venture by Mike Garley and James Moran. It’s a creator owned comic, published digitally every month, that will feature four stories from four different creative teams. There’s Facebook page in place which has steadily been adding Likes. Mike and James have kindly agreed to step up and take part in […]
Interview with Cavemaster’s Talzhemir Mrr
Talzhemir Mrr is the co-creator of the RPG Quicksilver and the MMOG Furcadia. More recently, Mrr worked with Jeff Dee on the stonepunk RPG Cavemaster which has been picked up by Chronicle City. Talzhemir has kindly agreed to a Q&A interview with Geek Native to discuss Cavemaster. How would you describe “stonepunk” as a genre […]