Expectations are dangerous. Yeah. Even to Batman. If this was an actual Batman prank it may count as the best one the Joker ever pulled. I think we should pitch the idea DC Comics. They’re going to re-number Batman comics for us; might as well start with a blast. No?
Domesday: Technology from the past for tomorrow
25 years ago the BBC carried out a project to record and archive snapshots of everyday life in the UK. It was known as Domesday. Recently, this archive of material has been put online at Domesday Reloaded and can be quickly and easily searched through. Ideal for research if you’re running a near-history game, etc. […]
LEGO Star Wars sandcrawler is over a meter long
There are about 10, 000 pieces of Lego in Marshal Banana‘s Sandcrawler. He describes it has his “baby” and I can imagine why; this project must have been a labour of love! There are four xl motors in this beast, five medium motors, 4 receivers, 4 batterypacks and 22 lego LEDs. The sandcrawler weighs in […]
A first look at Windows 8
I have an Android phone but I can see the attraction of Windows Phone 7. I think it’s better than current sales figures suggest. Windows Phone 7 seems to be a big chunk of the inspiration for Windows 8. Actually, Microsoft are saying this project has the ‘codename’ Windows 8 but it’s hard to imagine […]
Ghostbusters ghost busting backpack
Whip open your paint sets and colour this all shades of cool! This twin bag backpack is your Ghostbusters themed accessory du jour. This bit of geek fashion is brought to us via Think Geek (and other outlets, I’m sure) who feel the need to remind us that this backpack “Does not actually fight ghosts.” […]
The wonderfully sinister art of Berk Ozturk
This short post is to highlight the “must see – can’t look” at or Berk Ozturk. Ozturk has talent not just as an artist and an illustrator but as someone capable to conjuring up those mental images that will linger with you for a long while. It’s no surprise that among his interests we find […]
Real life Portal demo
This short little chunk of theatre performance gets A+ for effort. Not sure if it ranks that highly for impact but I really enjoyed it. It was performed by the Ninja of the Night cosplay group at Fanime 2011. Did you know there was even such as thing as a cosplay group? I didn’t. Geek […]
Deadly, finger-slicing, circular sawblade slingshot
We’ve featured Joerg Sprave on Geek Native before – how could we not. For a starter you could check out his Gatling slingshot and then move on to his machete firing slingshot. Yes, he has hurt himself with these inventions. That’s why I bring up his latest invention with some concern – but also with […]
Streamago to revive unboxing, boost video reviews and artists?
Streamago is a new site from the European ISP Tiscali and the proposition is straight forward and bound to be attractive to a whole range of people. Streamago is a live streaming service. It lets you use your webcam – no extra software required to create your own, real time, video broadcast. Streamago supports the […]
Connor Anderson Interview: Why did he roll a D6?
“Roll a D6” is a fantastic music video that’s going great guns on YouTube. It’s a spoof of Far East Movement’s Like a G6 and I’ve noticed a fair few bloggers suggest it is far better. The video was put together by Connor Anderson and his team – Broken Record Films – and Connor kindly […]