Had enough with the great Lucas tinkering with Star Wars? You might not remember all these scenes from Return of the Jedi but fear not, this time it’s not Lucas but Break, having ago at re-working things. Yes, there’s a dancing slave Leia. As it happens, this blogger can recall a previous Break video that […]
Pac-Man the Opera
Is it a capella or is a pacapella? The claymation is good – but I’m harsh these days. I expected it be good. The singing – that’s the surprising part – I expect singing to be just about able to tow the line these days. Are there wobbles in this musical? Sure, yeah, but by […]
My Megadrive
Did you know that the Mega Drive was called the Genesis in North America? Er, also, did you know the Genesis was called the Mega Drive outside of North America? I had no idea. Mind you, it was 1990 and I was 20 years younger and 20 years less wise. Step forward 2080. No, not […]
The Browncoats Mixtape
It’s not often you read the words; “A new release from the internet’s foremost comic book rapper is here!”. Actually, there’s trademark™ beside “rapper”. Is Adam Warrock trying to trademark “Comic Book Rapper”? Actually, that might be a little wanky but it’s probably a good idea if his music begins to played a bit more. […]
Doctor Who music: Tick Tock Goes the Clock
This is not an official Doctor Who track but I’m sure neither the BBC nor Ke$ha will have strong opinions either way. That said; this is a summary of Season 6 of new Doctor Who. Don’t see The Wedding of River Song yet? Don’t watch this video. It’s a spoiler. Want to find out what […]
Cosplay Fever: 12 of the best from AyaCon
This venture into cosplay is not only a chance to show off this lipdub of “Let me Entertain you” and a host of fancy costumes but… … um, okay. It’s just that. However, in addition to the video we’ve broken out 12 stills that you can take a gander at if you happen to be […]
Who sings the Neon Genesis Evangelion theme song? A cockatiel, that’s who
Here’s a prank. Play this video to a geeky anime loving friend. Don’t tell them it’s Neon Genesis Evangelion and watch them struggle… it’s a good anime, they’ll say, it’s an old anime, they’ll ponder but I suspect it’s a little too abstract for most to get straight away. Would you?
Daffy Duck the Wizard
Behold the wizard. Beware his powers. Unspeakable powers. Under the gaze of the Necromancer; silver staircase starts to rise, people stand on it and marvel at the power shooting from his eyes. Ahem. Well. What else did you expect from a serious geek gamer blog? What’s not to like about Looney Tunes?
Dungeon Master Gurls
I missed this last year. I’ve two theories as to how that managed to happen. Theory 1: I reached California Gurls parody overload. In a defensive move my brain developed a way to ignore anything that mentioned Katy Perry, California Gurls and perhaps even the word “parody” on Youtube. Theory 2: I was distracted by […]
The history of man – the Murf, Rendezvous
I rather like this video. The music may not be something I’d usually try and point my Spotify at but it’s certainly rather pleasant. The band is Rendezvous. They’re a duo from Israel who produce these rather charming electropop tracks. The animation was put together by freelance animator Scott Benson. I’d say he’s really defining […]